How much does graviola cost?

How much does graviola cost?This seems to be a very simple question but it’s not so easy to answer because it depends on many different variants.

Here we will try to simplify it and clarify as much as possible.

If what you are looking for with graviola is an exotic culinary experience, you should buy the fruit, its flavor will surprise you pleasantly, it tastes like pineapple and strawberry and it’s really delicious.

Its price in Spain is not so delicious, although there are already plantations in Malaga and in the Canary Islands, it is a fruit that comes from South America and you can tell for its price.

piece of graviola costsThe cost ranges between € 16 to € 23 per kilo of the fruit, and considering that the weight of a unit is about 3 kg approximately, we have that a piece of graviola costs us around 60 euros.

To buy it in your locality, go to a specialized fruit store, sure you will find it there.

There is even a fruit shop in Barcelona that delivers it to your home. What we do not know is the state in which the fruit can arrive at your home.

In the Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Carrefour… even on Amazon; you can also find pulp (both fresh and frozen) and graviola juices, here the cost varies greatly since it depends on the quality and quantity of graviola they contain.

If you love infusions you must try the graviola teaIf you love infusions you must try the graviola tea, you can buy the leaves in Madrid in any healthstore, they are usually of South American origin and their cost is around € 27 per bag with 100 gr. of these leaves.

There are people who want to plant on their terraces or in their plots and chalets trees and graviola plants, it is something that we don’t recommend, it is a subtropical plant and it generally dies.

However if you are willing to try there is a plant nursery in Malaga that sells you the tree and with a height of 2 meters, three years of age and its price is € 75 (plus the corresponding shipping costs)

If you are looking for seeds you can find them in any plant nursery in Madrid or even online on Amazon. Its price is around 2.5 euros per 10 seed sachet.

If you are looking for your body’s well-being and want to take advantage of each and every one of the properties and benefits offered by soursop, you should take graviola extract.

How much does graviola cost?Here the price varies a lot, depends if the extract is powder (pills or capsules), if it is liquid extract (syrup), if it has a complex formulation (that besides having graviola it has other natural products beneficial to our health), if it is manufactured by natural medicine laboratories in Europe or from third countries, etc.

Here, depending on these variants the price ranges from € 10 to € 67,20 and that large variation depends largely on the extreme quality of some of these extracts (Graviola Prozono is the most expensive but has no possible competitor).

We always recommend liquid extract manufactured in a European country.


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